This is a basic timeline of Karlie and Taylor’s relationship from 2015-2016.
The (x) after the date of the event is the specific tag I have for it on Tumblr.
Girls night w/ Martha – January 1, 2015

Girls night w/ a bunch of friends – January 19, 2015
Nashville – January 30 through February 1, 2015
Taylor and Karlie tried going undetected at first, but were forced to post on Instagram after the fan pic below was taken.

Gotta love the turtlenecks.

Vogue Shoot (when it came out) – February 13, 2015 (x)

Why was there a bed in this shoot??? I see you Vogue.

Wedding picture or nah?

Vogue Best Best Friend Video – February 13, 2015 (x)

Of course her first instinct is to touch Taylor.

Oscar de la Renta Show – February 17, 2015 (x)
When Taylor was asked why she was in attendance, instead of giving a normal answer, this is what happened:
Swift, giggly in the front row with Kloss, declined to comment on her presence at the show, though it’s hard to imagine she could have said anything remotely controversial considering the occasion. “My publicist would get mad at me,” she said.
Also keep in mind – this was the last time they were seen alone in public until March 11th, 2016. Nothing to hide my ass.

Arriving back at Taylor’s.

Pretty sure they kissed before Karlie left…
Fund Fair – February 24, 2015 (x)

Like I’ve said, Karlie’s an ass grabber.

Brit Awards – February 25, 2015 (x)
Patiently waiting for bae.

Rubbing Karlie’s shoulder.

Taylor hopping over to Karlie.

Heading to the afterparty.

Bad Blood Music Video – Shot in April of 2015 & premiered May 18, 2015 (x)
This video was literally so gay.

Okay, but look at Taylor’s smile.

The height difference!!

Dinner Party in NYC – May 28, 2015
The three month drought had finally ended when Karlie was papped arriving at Taylor’s.

Hyde Park – June 26, 2015 (x)
Then Karlie blows Taylor a kiss.

Holding bae’s fingers.

Metlife – July 10 & 11, 2015 (x)
Karlie had been working in Europe for a couple of weeks, and was in Rome before she flew back to the states. We knew she could get back in time for Taylor’s two Metlife shows.
Since we knew she would be incredibly jet lagged, we figured she would likely just go home, sleep, and attend the second show the next day.
Well, she did go home, but all she did while she was there was change and then head to the show with Kimby. A man from Taylor’s security team picked them up, and off they went.

In this video taken backstage, Karlie and Tree hug, and Karlie states she came straight from Rome for this. Then Karlie body guard said to Tree, “Tree, Taylor’s going to yell at me if I don’t take her (Karlie) right now.” Kimby and Tree hugged, and then the body guard whisked Karlie away to take her to a very impatient (and in love) Taylor.

The “I came straight from Rome” video is extremely important because of two reasons:
- Tree seems to know Karlie and Kimby well, which is particularly interesting when it comes to her knowing Kimby. There’s no real reason why Taylor’s publicist should be familiar with Taylor’s friend’s sister… Unless you know, something else is going to where Tree would know the Kloss family.
- The poor security guy sounded so stressed out. Taylor had clearly put pressure on him to get Karlie to her immediately. They spent time together after the show and Karlie went to the second night, so they knew they would see each other. But that wasn’t enough. Taylor wanted to see Karlie the minute she got back, so she sent her team to pick Karlie and Kimby up and bring them to her as quickly as possible. That speaks volumes about how much Taylor loves Karlie.
Taylor also gave Karlie a shout out on stage when she said, “Mostly the change cannot be attributed to geography. It can only be attributed to people who came into my life after I moved to New York. So if that’s you, pat yourself on the back. I love you so much.”
Karlie just watched the first night, but walked the second night.

She also tagged Taylor as the cupcake in an Instagram post.

Lastly, Karlie checking Taylor out on stage in front of thousands.

VMAs – August 30, 2015 (x)
T only has eyes for bae

Boob glance

Karlie biting her lip after watching Taylor dance

Can we talk about how natural Karlie snaking her hand around Taylor’s waist looked?

She did that on national TV #nochill

Uhm, you okay Taylor? You gulped pretty hard after looking at her lips…

More up downs

Like I said, Taylor has a thing for running after Karlie

Selena’s Release Party – October 4/5, 2015 (not sure what day exactly)
Jaime posted this picture on Instagram February 10th, and you can clearly see Karlie in the background.

Jaime’s post is very interesting given the fact that during that time, Karlie had created a diversion on Instagram, making it seem like she was with her family.
Lily’s Birthday Party – November 18, 2015
Karlie and Taylor were then MIA for 2 days after.
1989 World Tour Live Release – December 20, 2015 (x)
Karlie had a whole feature, and it was named the Karlie Kam. It was basically just her gushing over Taylor the entire time.
Karlie in LA – January 8-10, 2016

Karlie was in LA over Andrea’s birthday, and we would have never known about this, but a fan got a picture with Karlie in LAX right before she left.
Karlie and Taylor at the gym – March 11, 2016
Keep in mind this was the first time we had seen them alone in public since February 17th, 2015… Over a year.

Lunch candids in LA after going to the gym – March 12, 2016 (x)

Blowing Taylor kisses goodbye (she’s so extra)

The Twin’s Birthday Party in Vegas – March 18, 2016 (x)
Taylor threw Kimby and Kariann at birthday at Omnia (despite people saying Taylor doesn’t know them lmao). Calvin played that night, but Taylor showed up late and left early so she didn’t even see him. She was then MIA after. We think she went back with the Kloss family to celebrate.
Anyway, this was Taylor looking at Karlie while Karlie was filming her. Spot the difference.

Hugging is a necessity. Also notice the look Kimby and Brit are giving each other…

That look ends up leading to Kimby tapping/bumping Taylor…

Coachella – April 15-17, 2016 (x)
In this video Martha posted, she deliberately left out Karlie while tagging even though you can hear Karlie say, “So good.” Serayah also neglected to tag Karlie in her post as well. If there’s nothing going on, why is Karlie the only one they all left out? Not fishy at all.
Taylor and Karlie at Calvin’s set

Taylor Facetiming Karlie on Karlie’s Birthday – August 3, 2016
Taylor also recorded King of My Heart that day.
Bowery Ballroom – October 13, 2016
Drake’s Birthday Party at Delilah in West Hollywood – October 23, 2016
Lorde’s Birthday Party – November 7, 2016
Karlie’s Birthday Post for Taylor – December 13, 2016
She no homo’ed the shit out of it with her caption with the “sister” throw in, but I’d say the picture speaks for itself. The picture was taken at Drake’s birthday party earlier that fall.