This is a basic timeline of Karlie and Taylor’s relationship from 2013-2014.
The (x) after the date of the event is the specific tag I have for it on Tumblr.
VSFS 2013 – Nov/Dec of 2013 (x)

A few videos leaked in early 2016, and they contained unseen interactions between Karlie and Taylor. (x) (x)
Karlie at Andrea’s Birthday Party – January 2014
During the secret sessions in 2014, fans reported that there was a picture of Karlie, Taylor, and Andrea with a cake hanging up, and they were all in winter attire. We believe that because Andrea’s birthday is in early January, this picture was taken at the party.
Weinstein Company’s Pre-Oscars Party – March 1, 2014

Vanity Fair Oscars Party – March 2, 2014

Big Sur Road Trip – March 2014 (x)
The date is unknown, but we think they went on this trip near the end of February considering there was a big gap between February 23rd and March 1st in terms of Taylor being papped.
It was discovered that the place they stayed was extremely coupley, and secluded.

Lunch at The Butcher’s Daughter – April 3, 2014 (x)

During lunch, Karlie switched spots with Taylor so she could shield Taylor from the paps.
Papped grabbing dinner – April 15, 2014 (x)
They hit up the gym, before heading to dinner with one another.

Papped leaving the gym – April 28, 2014

Dinner party with Toni and friends – May 2, 2014

Harry Josh Pre Met Gala Party – May 4, 2014 (x)

Met Gala – May 5, 2014 (x)

Racing back to Karlie – June 13, 2014
Taylor’s Red Tour finished up June 12th, and Taylor flew right back to Karlie the next day.

The candids where it looked like they were arguing over who was going to pick up their kid up from practice – June 18, 2014

Taylor arriving at Karlie’s place – June 20, 2014

Weekend in Rhode Island – June/July 2014

Lunch at Sarabeth’s – July 15, 2014 (x)
Karlie had a shoot after this lunch date, but when she was finished, she went back to Taylor’s apartment to cook dinner.

Gym/Lunch Outing – July 21, 2014 (x)

I would like to point out that the bodyguard AND Karlie were both holding the door… There was no reason for Taylor to try and grab the door. Unless you know, she wanted to touch Karlie.

Gym Outing – July 22, 2014 (x)

Girls night w/ Kimby – July 23, 2014
Karlie clearly doesn’t know where Taylor’s waist is, and still doesn’t to this day.

Ingrid Michaelson Concert – July 31, 2014
The night started off by one of Karlie’s childhood friends, Davis, posting this picture of Taylor.

They all went to the show, and this video was uploaded on Instagram.

Lastly, during an interview Ingrid talked about Taylor and Karlie being in attendance at her show, and this is what she had to say:
Ingrid: ‘Are you coming to the afterparty?’
Taylor and Karlie: ‘No, we, I, have an early shoot.’
Ingrid: ‘What do you do?’
Taylor: ‘She’s a Victoria’s Secret supermodel angel woman.’
So from what Ingrid said, we can gather that Karlie and Taylor went home with one another that night, Karlie was the only one with an early shoot, but Taylor still went home early with her so she could spend more time with her, Ingrid talks about them in the ‘we’ sense which in my opinion is very coupley, and Taylor flipped out cause Ingrid didn’t know who Karlie was.
Karlie’s Birthday – August 3, 2014
Taylor posted the picture below for Karlie’s birthday.

Karlie papped leaving Taylor’s – August 6, 2014

Living Together Rumors – August 13, 2014
In August, rumors began circulating that Karlie and Taylor were living with one another. Some of us believe the Rolling Stones article Taylor did where she showed Karlie had her own bedroom (lol we all know where she really stays) is what sparked the rumors. On August 26th, Karlie and Josh attended the US Open to help fight off the rumors that Taylor and Karlie were living together.
Lunch date at The Honor Bar in Beverly Hills – September 17, 2014 (x)

IKYWT iHeart Radio Music Festival Slip Up – September 21, 2014
Only a few days after Taylor and Karlie had lunch at The Honor Bar, Taylor performed at the iHeart Music Festival. It was during her performance of IKYWT that we got the clearest version yet of Taylor singing, ‘That SHE never loved me.’
Taylor posts a picture of her, Austin, and Karlie – October 21, 2014
Taylor even says Karlie feels like family (x)

Latergram/Lunch Debacle – October 26, 2014
Before 1989 release, Josh posted this on the 25th.

Then the next day Karlie posted this

They were trying to make it seem like they were in Burma again, and we know for a fact they weren’t trying to play this off like a latergram because Kimby had commented on Karlie’s post telling them to have fun….. When you clicked on what Karlie had geo-tagged the picture as, NYC popped up.
To make this even funnier, she was at lunch with Taylor (after her GMA performance) when she posted the picture “with” Josh.

I personally think they created this distraction/diversion so people wouldn’t speculate that some of the songs on 1989 were about Karlie. Cause after all she’s has a boyfriend right? Wrong, more like a beard.
See this post for all of this explained in greater detail.
Knicks Date – October 30, 2014 (x)

Does Karlie have a magnet in her shoulder or what?

Grabbing Taylor’s arm

When doesn’t Karlie give Taylor heart eyes?

So proud.

Shopping at Sephora and ABC Carpet in NYC – November 12, 2014 (x)
Karlie did some last minute shopping with Taylor before taking off for Paris.

Had to give bae a hug (x)

In this video you can see Taylor showing Karlie something on her phone and Karlie grabbing her arm.
American Music Awards – November 23, 2014 (x)

Karlie’s an ass grabber pass it on

Sneaking touches I see.

Karlie ‘heart eyes’ Kloss emerges once again…

Lots of hugging (x)

And holding hands (x)

Can’t forget the hip rubbing either!

Karlie acting adorable after Taylor performed (Sam knows lol)
I would just strongly suggest going through my AMAs tag since this outing was adorable.
Girls night w/ the squad – November 24th, 2014 (x)

Kissgate – December 4, 2014 (x)
If you are unaware of what Kissgate is, I would suggest reading this post before looking at the gifs just so it’s understood how much damage that night caused.
So we had face and boob grabbing from a very drunk Taylor (a cheek kiss I think too). Karlie didn’t even flinch.

Tummy grabs as well…

Lots of hugging (I keep writing this, but it’s a common theme w/ these two) (x)

They’re just extremely comfortable and intimate with each other.

Taylor was drunk, yet she didn’t miss a beat in grabbing Karlie’s hand at all. She didn’t even need to look, she just knew it was going to be there.

Taylor also likes to rub Karlie’s cheek.

Three words to conclude Kissgate, screw Kathy Parks.
VSFS 2014 – December 9, 2014 (x)
The show was filmed in November, but did not premiere until the 9th of December. Kissgate had only happened 5 days before the show was set to premiere, and because Taylor knew how gay/obvious her parts with Karlie were, she attempted to conduct some pre damage control. Over a tweet, Taylor asked the media to quit accusing all her friends of dating her for her birthday.
So first off, we’ve got Taylor looking at Karlie’s boobs.

Then we have her cheering for Karlie. Which, Taylor liked a post of this gif the day of Kissgate.

Taylor also liked a post with the gif below in it. Fun fact, Karlie’s looking at Taylor.

Taylor didn’t stop there though, she also liked the picture below the night of Kissgate as well. I would say she did a little pre-gaming before the actual concert?

This is what I call a power couple pose.

Taylor’s so proud.

When bae gives you the look…

Taylor also has a thing for running after Karlie.

Holding hands everywhere was again a necessity.

Even at the afterparty.

They were so happy.

Taylor is apparently an ass grabber as well. She #confirmed this by liking a post calling her out on it.

Behati is me.

I have a feeling Taylor really enjoyed filming this.

Lastly, my favorite gif of all gifs.

The viewing party on December 9th also delivered.

And this tweet to top it all off.

Karlie papped leaving Taylor’s – December 11, 2014

Karlie papped leaving Taylor’s after shooting the BBF Vogue Video – December 12, 2014

Taylor’s Birthday and Jingle Ball – December 13, 2014
The night started off with Kimby and Karlie attending Taylor’s Jingle Ball performance.

Afterwards, Karlie went back to Taylor’s to celebrate Taylor’s birthday. Clearly it’s not a party unless there’s a photobooth.

Taylor’s lipstick also somehow managed to become smudged while in the photobooth. (x)
Swiftmas – December 2014
Karlie helped Taylor wrap gifts on at least two occasions while Taylor was conducting ‘Swiftmas’ – In this video you can hear Karlie laugh at around 1:46, and in the picture below Taylor is wearing a different outfit than she was when Karlie laughed while filming her. Two outfits, two different days. We will never know, but I would like to think Karlie was filming her while wearing the Santa hat as well.

Now that the timeline from 2013-2014 is complete, I just want to touch on two songs from 1989 that we believe to be about Karlie.
You Are In Love
Taylor claims this song is about Jack and Lena, but Jack had no clue about it until October, and clearly certain lyrics didn’t stick out to him. If this song was written about him and Lena, you would think he would have been able to pinpoint lyrics inspired by their relationship, yet he couldn’t.
However, quite a few of the lyrics from this song can be tied back to things Karlie and Taylor have done, or just tie back to Karlie in general.
‘The light reflects, the chain on your neck’ – Karlie has a gold necklace with a ‘K’ on it, and she gave Taylor one that has a ‘T’ on it.
‘You can feel it on the way home’ – Taylor captioned one of her Big Sur posts of her and Karlie with this lyric
‘One night he wakes, strange look on his face / Pauses, then says, you’re my best friend’ – Taylor and Karlie are best friends
‘You two are dancing in a snow globe round and round’ – When Taylor and Karlie were dancing on the runway during IKYWT at the 2013 VS show, the venue looked like an actual snow globe
Wildest Dreams
There’s a few lyrics in this song that pop out of me, and why I believe this song is about Karlie.
‘He said, let’s get out of this town / Drive out of the city, away from the crowds’ – This line reminds me of them getting out of town, and taking their trip to Big Sur.
‘He’s so tall and handsome as hell’ – Karlie is pretty damn tall and handsome. Boyfriend Karlie ftw.
‘I said, No one has to know what we do / His hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room’ – The whole “no one has to know what we do” line gives me closeted/gay vibes.
Another reason I think this song is about Karlie is just because of the message being sent. After Taylor and Dianna ended, it makes sense why Taylor would be nervous/scared her relationship with Karlie was going to end the way it did with Dianna. It seems like Taylor forms a pessimistic (but sensible) view on how she thinks this relationship is going go.
There’s also a video Karlie did for Glamour where they play Wildest Dreams in the van, and this is her reaction.